4 Things To Know Before A Gum Graft

Man listens about gum grafting

Your gums have an important protective role to play. Sometimes the gums can recede, which leaves the root of the tooth exposed and vulnerable. This is known as receding gums, or gingival recession, and a gum graft may be recommended to treat it.

Here, we’re going to look at what you need to know about gum grafting.

Why Consider A Gum Graft?

The single biggest reason to think about arranging a gum grafting treatment with Dr. Trujillo is to protect your teeth against the impact of gum recession. When the root of the tooth is exposed, it can lead to sensitivity, decay, and infection. Gum grafting also strengthens and stabilizes the gum, decreases sensitivity, and can improve the appearance of your smile.

The Gum Grafting Treatment Process

To begin with, we will administer local anesthesia to both the area where we need to remove tissue from the palate, as well as the site of the graft. Then, we carefully remove enough tissue from the palate, before grafting it to the area where the gum is receding and allow it time to heal. The graft tissue is attached using sutures, which are removed in a follow-up appointment.

 Aftercare To Consider

Given that anesthesia is used, it’s natural for your mouth to be numb for a few hours. Since you may not be able to eat comfortably following the treatment, eating beforehand may be recommended. Dr. Trujillo may also prescribe medication to manage any discomfort, antiseptic mouthwash, and antibiotics to manage the risk of infection that comes with any surgical treatment. We will have recommendations for changes to your eating habits to allow your mouth to heal fully.

Otherwise, some swelling and pain are to be expected, but this can be managed and will diminish after two days. You will also be instructed to avoid brushing or flossing near either area for at least a week.

What To Expect

The success rate for gum grafting is very high, especially if you follow our recommendations. It may some time for the final results to become apparent, but it can restore a healthy and natural look to your gums and teeth. After three weeks, you will have a much better idea of what the final results will look like, but overall healing takes around six to eight weeks.

Get In Touch About Gum Grafting In Phoenix

Receding gums can be prevented by ensuring you maintain good dental hygiene habits and come in for regular cleaning and evaluation. If you notice any problems with your gums, please schedule an appointment today!

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