Phoenix Periodontist
Dr. Trujillo’s Advice
On Identifying
Receding Gums

Gum recession is a serious issue but it can be hard to spot. Dr. Trujillo will help you identify and treat it.

Receding gums are a very common problem in the field of dentistry, and one that Dr. Trujillo has a specialty in correcting. We would like to help educate you on the dangers of receding gums, how to identify receding gums, and how to treat them. 

woman smiling outdoors

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession refers to a condition in which a patient’s gums begin to wear away or draw back from their teeth. As the gums recede, more of the tooth itself is revealed. This as a consequence exposes the tooth to additional wear as well as bacteria which can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems. Here are some of the leading causes of gum recession:

  • Tobacco product usage.
  • Teeth clenching or grinding.
  • Aggressive tooth brushing.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Gum disease.

How Do You Identify Gum Recession?

Gum recession actually occurs over time which can make it hard for patients to notice on their own. Part of the reason we recommend annual check-ups is so Dr. Trujillo can check for gum recession. Also, it is not always possible to identify gum recession through just visual observation. Below are some signs to look for if you suspect that you may have gum recession:

  • Longer teeth: if your teeth seem longer than they used to be, it may be because your gums have started to recede, revealing more of your teeth.
  • Tooth sensitivity: gums (gingiva) normally cover and protect the roots of your teeth. However, if your gums start to recede, they pull back from the tooth, exposing the sensitive root surface.
  • Gum line notch: take a moment to feel where your tooth meets your gum. If there is any recession, you will be able to feel a small indentation or notch.

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What Are My Options For Treating Gum Recession?

Prior to understanding your treatment options, it is important that you understand what can happen if you don’t receive treatment. Without treatment, the following can happen to your gums if you’re suffering from gum recession:

  • Your gums become inflamed and sensitive.
  • Your gum becomes more and more susceptible to bacteria that can cause disease.
  • The supporting tissue and bone structure in your mouth will degrade.
  • Eventually, your teeth can rot and then die.

The good news is that gum recession is a very treatable dental condition. However, prevention is the best medicine such as not smoking, brushing and flossing regularly, not brushing too hard, using a soft bristle toothbrush, and visiting the dentist regularly. If gum recession has occurred, we offer the following treatment options:

  • Pinhole Surgical Technique: An innovative and less invasive technique that does not require stitches, reduces recovery time, and provides better gum restoration.
  • Soft tissue graft: skin from the roof of your mouth can be used to perform a graft and patch the missing gum tissue.
  • Gum Regeneration: the receded gums are folded back and a regenerative material is placed in the area to promote stimulation of gum tissue regrowth.
  • Pocket depth reduction: bacteria is removed and any receded gum is placed back over the exposed root.
  • Deep cleaning: the most common treatment method, which includes performing root planing, smoothing, and tooth scaling to cover and clean the exposed area around the root of your tooth.

Make An Appointment With Us

The Arizona Periodontal Group is prepared to help you identify and treat any issues you are having with receding gums. Should you have any questions for us, please feel free to contact us today. If you want to schedule an appointment, give us a call or schedule online.